Category: Hanga | Create

A Goodbye To Every One

KIa ora this is my last blog post for the year so I will say goodbye,

All these blog posts I have done was an amazing experience to learn how to be cyber safe and at the same time enjoy,

I am a year six and will do more blog posts as I’m older but as for at owairaka this won’t be back on this blog.

I really hope you enjoyed my posts and thank you for reading my posts and if you can mabye read my blog posts from intermediate,

Goodbye and in māori poroporoaki,

Evie out.


Ponder #9 Explorer

♠Kia ora bloggers♠ Here is another ponder

I would leave “cover yourself in ant juice and the take honey from a bee hive, if you wash yourself in the river watch out for the piranhas and toast some turantulas they give good nutriants”

What would you say.

Blog you later, Evie.

Ponder #8 Of The Explorers

♥Kia ora bloggers♥ this week once again is another ponder.

Probably the toasted taratulas even though I hate spiders and I gives me the chills when someone talks about eating bugs but from reading Bugbix I know that bugs give you good nutriants plus it would be toasted.

If you had to eat one of these things what would it be🤔

hope you liked my blog post,

Blog you later. Evie.

Ponder #4 Of Explorers

♣Kia ora bloggers♣

This week is another  ponder of Explorers here is the picture,

fred leaped to the bushes after the rumbiling had stopped, fred lunged out when a ferocious beast jumped on him!

how is my story is it good or could i improve it,

what would your word be and your story,

that is it for today, blog you later ♦Evie♦

Explorers ponder #3

♥Mālō ni bloggers♥ this week is another ponder on Explorers so here is the picture,

If i was in a strange place after a plane crash I would feel afraid, nervouse, frightend, concernd, frozen in spotlight the reoson why is your stuck and injured and posibly starving,

how would you feel if this happend to you,

That is it for this blog post,

Blog you later, Evie

Ako Hiko Film Festivil

Fakalofa lahi atu bloggers,

Last term schools in auckland made little movies,

Every classroom one movie went on a big screen,

My group got on the big screen but when we went there was a glitch and all the movies got a little bit cut of as we watched and everyone didn’t get to watch the end of are movie but you can

Here is my movie: The italian dance off

Click on the picture to watch the movie

Did you like my movie and what was your favriote part

Blog you later,


Ponder #2 Of The Explorer

Faka lofa lahi atu bloggers this week I have another ponder and so here is the question

I would need a large water tank full of water, A bow and arows to shoot my prey but I would pick food that I can eat as well, warm clothes, boots, a tent, sleeping bag,

all theses thing will get me a while in the amazon,

What would you need if you were stranded

That is it for today, blog you later


The Explorers ponder #1

Bula bloggers this term the hive, den and pod have started a new book called “The Explorers”

so here is the first ponder

If I was an explorer and went somewhere I would go to india because i have heard of beutiful lakes that a almost blue

  Here is one of the lakes I would visit

Where would you go and why would it be india like me or somewhere else?

That is all for today

Blog you later : 🎀 𝐸𝓋𝒾𝑒 🎀